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Panel Tools

The tool bar provides tools to change the Panel mode and automatically tile.

Locks the columns so that the tiles on a same column can be adjusted as a group.


Locks the rows so that the tiles on a same row will can be adjusted as a group.


Locks both columns and rows so that the entire columns or rows can be adjusted as a group.


Auto-tile: A tile will automatically be created that includes all selected objects. If no objects are selected, all of the objects in the design will be included. If the design is too large to fit on the selected media, it will automatically be tiled so that each tile is the maximum possible size. Auto-tile does not attempt to tile the entire page, just the design or the selected objects.

Tile to Border: The entire design page is automatically tiled. If the page is too large to fit on the selected media, it will be tiled so that each tile is the maximum possible size.

See Also

RIP and Print Dialog Box - Panel Tab

Resizing the Panel

Tiling the Job Using the Preview Area

Tiling the Job Using the Tile Group Box

Tiling the Job Evenly

Specifying Overlap between Tiles

Preventing Tiles from Being Output